Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Insert Creative, Catching, Imaginative Title Here...

There was some excitement outside our family room window!  Cleo was on it!!  She was watching...making sure nothing got TOO out of hand!  

Not sure if you can really see in these pictures, but we were visited by this big flock of birds this morning...

 OOOooo...I swear those are my mini blinds...we do NOT have bars on our windows!!  LOL!
Yesterday we visited with some friends...some of them did a cool science experiment...Liam was REALLY excited about it!!  As you can see below...

 And here is Arlee's pretty purple one...

Then's always nice to spend time with your brother...

Not sure if you could tell...but they are BOTH playing on tablets!!  LOL!  You know...spending QUALITY time together!  {can you hear my sarcasm??}


As I'm sure many of you already know....WE HAVE MOVED!!!  We're all SO excited about our new home!!  We are looking forward to making MANY new memories here!  I was without my computer the whole time we were I didn't get to post much about it, and really, didn't take many pictures either...but I'm HOPING to make up for that NOW!! 

I did snap this one...this is Danny unlocking our front door for the FIRST TIME...

He looks pretty excited...right!?!? 

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