Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm Looking Forward to 2012 Because...

I am very much looking forward to the New Year!! I know my friends have heard me say this before, or seen me post this on my facebook. I just love the whole idea of "New Years"...beginning again... starting fresh... clean slate. Those things just sound really nice, I think!

BUT...this year I have another reason to be very excited about! June 29th, 2012 will be Danny & my 10 year wedding anniversary!!! I can not even explain how exciting that is to me!! I can not put into words how grateful I am that this wonderful man chose to spend the last 10 years of his life married to me! I love him so so SO much!

Our plan is to make this a WHOLE YEAR of celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary!! On the 29th of each month, we will be going out for a special date night! I'm *REALLY* looking forward to these!! Time with my Hubby...out on a REAL date...not just going grocery shopping together while Arlee watches the boys!!'s going to be fabulous!! And with this being Leap Year...we even get to go out on February 29th!! BONUS!!

I also have been planning little gifts to give to Danny on our "anniversa-dates" ....but, sorry, I can't tell you anything about them just yet!! In case my Husband might just get bored enough one day to read thru my blog! Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise! But, I will post all about them AFTER our dates!

Some other things I'm looking forward to in 2012...

**Getting my house clutter free and organized!! Found a couple websites to help me along with that goal. Gotta love Pinterest...these are both sites a friend had pinned.

First one is... ~ This one you can print out calendars, and it gives little suggestions each day of 2012.

AND ~ This is the blog, but I will probably mostly be following along using their facebook page. New challenges/ideas every day. Plus deep clean Mondays, and on Fridays they will be sharing ideas for organizing!

**I'm also going to be making myself a new Homemaker's Binder!! My current one is falling I thought I could revamp the whole thing if I need to transfer it all over to a new binder anyway!

Another sort of "sub goal" that goes along with this one will be keeping better records of donations, medical, I need to find a way to incorporate this into my Binder so it will make it easier to keep it all organized-like.

**Getting our family more involved in community service. Now that the boys are a little older, I'm really hoping to be able to do this as a family whenever we can. I'm hoping to...fingers are crossed...that I can fit it into our budget...taking out a certain amount of money each month that will go towards community service projects. The flannel to make blankets for Project Linus, the yarn to make scarves & gloves, and other supplies that are needed to help out with Wrapping Clermont Together.

**Planning Arlee's Sweet 16 Party!!

**Midwest Homeschool Convention!! Last year was so much fun when me and 4 other moms went together! This year, I'm hoping to go all 3 days...take in a bunch of great seminars/speakers...and just have an amazing time with some awesome friends!

**Maybe, just maybe, getting our house to the point where we can put it on the market...AND actually SELL it...AND find us a house that our family can fit into a little better! PLUS, a smaller mortgage payment would be a much welcomed blessing!!

2012 is going to be an amazing year!!

What are you looking forward to in 2012??


  1. My goal in 2012 is to come visit Jennifer. :D

  2. Awesome ideas and goals Jennifer!!! I have been working on my list for next year too! There is something about being able to sweep the past year behind you and start new!

  3. Love the way you put that, "being able to sweep the past year behind you" :)
