Monday, February 17, 2014

Little Things...High Priority

Was reading over my last post...the one at the end of December...the one where I was all so excited about the prospect of the New Year that was upcoming.  {Deep sigh}  It didn't last long...sadly.  A couple big set backs, plus the ongoing frustrating stresses that have cursed our family for awhile now....all just within the first couple months....I mean...shoot...we are only at mid-February and I've already been to that point that I was ready to throw in the towel for 2014...that this year is going to be no different than the past few for us.

But...within the last couple weeks...I think I've figured out, at least, what I've been missing.  Although, my Husband and I are immensely close, quite affectionate with each other, and love each other very very much...we have slipped a bit from where we were even just 5 years ago.  With so much stuff going on around here...the homeschooling, the house chores, the homeschool group, the bills, the working, the diagnoses, the meds, the this, the that, and so on and so forth!  There is just so much!!  So much distracting us from what is undeniably important!!

While talking with Danny about this...which he agreed about what I was feeling as well...he pointed out in all of our efforts to make sure our kids were well socialized, we forgot to keep social with each other.  We went out on January 29th...for "our 29th" {It is where we go out each month on the 29th to celebrate our marriage...since we got married on June *29th*...we started this a couple years ago, we did it for the entire year of our 10th Wedding Anniversary...but then it got put on the back burner afterward}...and before that, I couldn't remember the last time we "officially" and purposely had a "date". 

I am hopeful that if we REALLY start connecting we used will bring enough energy between us to start things surly rolling in the RIGHT direction for us!!

We are beginning by making sure we make a point to truly connect with each other EVERY day...SEVERAL times a day!!  Making ALL of these "little" things "HIGH" calls, IM's over fb, taking the time to welcome him home at the end of his workday, having fun together, lots of snuggles & kisses, etc. has been AMAZING!!

I love my Husband with every piece of my being.  He IS my soul mate...he IS my everything...he IS my love & my heart.  All I want to do is to make him happy, to love him, and to be loved by him.  He deserves to have a good, loving wife...and that is who I want to be for him, always!!  I will be working toward putting those "little things" back to their rightful place of "HIGH PRIORITY", just where they belong.

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