Wednesday, August 1, 2012

~*~ Happy August ~*~

Wow...August??  Really??  Already??  How the time flies these days!  Can summer really be winding down already??  Is it really time to get serious about thinking "back to school"??  Only 146 more days until Christmas!!  Gee whiz!

So here we are at the beginning of a brand new month.  I know I've shared before how much I enjoy this small window each month where it seems you can "start over" or "begin again"...whichever you need at the time.  The month laying before you is brand new, a clean slate, and totally unwritten {well, other than in my calendar where there is actually already a lot written in August!}.  I like having this illusion.  I know some people are very good at "beginning" right where they are...not me.  For some reason, it just helps me to start at the 1st of the month, 1st of the week, or 1st of the year.  I know...I'm weird like that!  And strange thinking comes right along with it!

So what am I beginning this month??  Another round of a Biggest Loser Competition!  It "officially" starts next Friday evening for the group, but I went ahead and weighed myself this morning...and it was NOT pleasant!!  I have gained back all but like 8 lbs from the last round of the competition.  Very, very disheartening.  Obviously, it's all my own doing...but still.  I really miss the days of long ago when I could eat anything and everything I wanted and remain in that slender state of being.  Four children, and a couple decades later...that is just a dream!  At this point...I'm really learning, but am NOT happy about it...I really, really, REALLY have to work at it!  And THAT is tough!!

With where I am at, as of this morning, my overall weight loss goal would be 60lbs. That would put me back where I was when Danny & I got married, which I was VERY happy at that weight.  But, by gosh...that just looks like such a big number sitting there staring at me...and I've been trying to lose these same 60lbs for YEARS now.  I know it's possible, and that I can do it...the hard part is to convince my willpower and motivation to jump on board with me! 

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